About Metamorfosis

Metamorfosis is a psychological service provider offering a wide range of treatments for children to the elderly founded and owned by Masfuukhatur Rokhmah, M. Psi, Psikolog Klinis on 18th July 2017.

The philosophy of butterfly metamorphosis becomes our symbol and guidance on how we serve our clients. We really care about the process of our client’s development by ensuring the service quality and the accuracy of clients’ needs, convenience, and satisfaction. Our psychologist always commits to serving our clients professionally based on the Indonesian Psychological Code of Ethics and delivering a research-based approach to psychotherapy.

Our Services

Psychological assessment includes interviews, observation, and using several needed psychological tests. We offer psychological tests:
  • IQ Test
  • School Readiness Test (specified elementary school candidate student)
  • Personality Test
  • Creativity Test
  • Career Interest and Aptitude Test
  • MMPI and other mental check status examinations
  • Neuropsychology Test
  • Psychological assessment for a specific purpose (recruitment, promotion) conducted by our clinical or industrial-organizational psychologist)
Serving a consultation to discuss the result of psychological assessment comprehensively
This service is designed to help clients by identifying client’s difficulties and core problems comprehensively and empathically in order to improve client’s self-knowledge, problem-solving skill, and quality of life.
Offering a service to help clients in order to heal from a broad variety of psychological problems and behavioral disorders. Our psychologists are experienced in a range of psychotherapies including:
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
  • Art Therapy
  • Relaxation Therapy
  • Behavior Activation Therapy
  • and many more
Treating clients by providing needed information and materials related to clients’ issues to increase clients’ self-awareness and develop clients’ potential optimally
This program is created to develop clients’ potential delivered through webinars and seminars. We offer a private class (public speaking class and pre-marriage class), coaching, and training tailored to clients’ needs. Self-development programs are available for groups, communities, educational institutions, companies, and many more.

Our Psychologist


Masfuukhatur Rokhmah, M.Psi., Psikolog

A mother of two, affectionately known as Fukha, has been practicing at Metamorfosis since 2017 and in hospital settings since 2015. She also serves as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology at a private university, a role she has held since 2014. Her expertise spans Pre-Marital and Family Issues, Special Needs Individuals (IBK), Self-Development based on Interests and Talents (certified as a Trainer by BNSP), and Clinical Psychology, addressing cases such as Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Psychological Conditions Linked to Physical Health, and Mental Health Disorders. In Industrial and Organizational Psychology, she focuses on developing effective strategies to create a productive and supportive work environment that benefits both employees and companies. She emphasizes the importance of accurate selection and placement of Human Resources (HR) to achieve these objectives. Fukha believes that every individual is unique, deserving personalized attention to their physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being to achieve optimal health. This philosophy underpins her commitment to holistic care, fostering improved individual functionality and overall quality of life. Her approach is adaptable, extending to individuals, families, groups, communities, and even broader societal empowerment. She also embraces collaborative interprofessional methods to provide comprehensive support to those in need.


Puti Alam Intan, M.Psi., Psikolog

Puti Alam Intan of Puti is a housewife and also an adult clinical psychologist. She has shown interest in handling clinical issues, such as anxiety, depression, interpersonal relationships (family, friendship, and romantic relationships), and emotional issues. Moreover, she also has extensive experience in assessment for specific purposes, such as talent and career interest potential exploration and also employee recruitment and promotion. Through a therapeutic relationship that emphasizes empathy and active listening, the client will develop trust and be safe to share the problems intensively in order to gain new insights into its problems. She believes that self-knowledge contributes to developing the utmost human potential. Together with Metamorfosis, she hopes clients have the encouragement to empower and understand themselves thoroughly.


Ilham Anggi Putra, M.Psi., Psikolog

Ilham Anggi Putra or Ilham is an adult clinical psychologist who also has a huge interest in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He graduated from Maranatha Christian University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and from the University of Indonesia with a master’s degree in Clinical Adult Psychology. Before he continued his master’s degree, he had experience in the Industrial and Organizational Psychology field. His expertise includes handling anxiety, depression, and also stress caused by employment and academic issues. With his strong intention to empower people, he believes that every person is able to be functional at their best.


Eduardus Saptono Pambudi, M.Psi., Psikolog

Eduardus Saptono Pambudi interested in exploring career interests and talent. Through his experience as a counselor in one of the private universities in Jakarta, he realized the importance of counseling and psychoeducation, related to career interest and talent, in exploring clients’ potential and deciding the career path based on their potential. Besides that, he also has experience in holding group activities, such as outbound and basic leadership training.


Nanda Putri Adhiningtyas, M.Psi., Psikolog

Nanda Putri Adhiningtyas or Nanda is a clinical psychologist. She graduated from Diponegoro University and continued her study taking a Master of Clinical Psychology at Gadjah Mada University. Moreover, she also has experience working in the Industrial and Organizational Psychology field. Through her experience as a psychologist, she has immense intention to increase public awareness about the role of mental health in daily life. She believes that everyone has his own unique strength and be able to help others get the most out of their life.


Rizikita Imanina, M.Psi., Psikolog

Rizikita Imanina or Rizi is a Clinical Psychologist who graduated from Airlangga University, Surabaya. Her interest in mental health has shaped her beliefs that resilience and mental health in a family can be formed from within, which later will become a strong foundation for the individuals. Rizi focuses on children and family issues;  psychological problems related to anxiety, depression, trauma, and interpersonal relationships; as well as problems of romantic relationships (Pre-Marital).


Diah Nurayu Kusumawardani, M.Psi., Psikolog

Diah Nurayu Kusumawardani or Diah is an adult clinical psychologist. She graduated from the University of Indonesia with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She continued her study taking a Master of Adult Clinical Psychology in the University of Indonesia. She has handled several cases related to young adult issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, emotional fatigue, career issues, relationship issues, grieving, and romantic relationship issues. Moreover, she also has a huge interest in the education field by handling learning motivation and other academic issues. She believes that humans are dynamic they are able to explore their immense positive potential inside and grow.


Aditya Gunawan, M.Psi., Psikolog

Aditya Gunawan or Adit is a clinical psychologist who graduated from the University Indonesia with taking master of clinical adult psychology. Before continuing his study at the University of Indonesia, he graduated from Jakarta State University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. He has handled various psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, and interpersonal relationship issues. His volunteer experiences made him see light the importance of mental health for the public. He also has a powerful intention to empower people in order to improve people’s well-being and quality of life.


Sofi Fitria Hidayah, M.Psi., Psikolog

Sofi Fitria Hidayah or Sofi is an educational psychologist. She has a huge interest in the learning and education field. She graduated from Airlangga University with a bachelor’s in psychology and master degree in master of educational psychology. Recently, she is working at a private school in Bintaro as a school counselor. In addition, career planning and development in adolescence and adulthood become her attention. According to her point of view, each person has the capacity to determine and create his own situation that can improve his quality of life and mental health condition.


Salsabila Najmidhia Budi, M.Psi., Psikolog

Salsabila Najmidhia Budi, often called Najmi, is a Clinical Psychologist who also serves as a lecturer at a private university in Depok. She has a special interest in addressing issues related to children and families, as well as psychological concerns such as anxiety, depression, and interpersonal relationships. Najmi believes that every individual has the potential to grow and develop into a better version of themselves.


Dr. Dini Permana Sari, M.M., Psikolog

An academic and seasoned professional in Human Resources (HR), Dini earned her Doctorate in 2022 from the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, specializing in Islamic Psychology. She has been actively teaching since 1998, covering subjects such as Psychodiagnostics, Educational Psychology, Islamic Psychology, and Industrial & Organizational Psychology. With over 25 years of experience in HR, she has contributed to various institutions, including food manufacturing companies (PMA), building management, forest management (PMA), and hospitals. Currently, she works as a lecturer and HR consultant, focusing on the industrial and educational sectors. Her core expertise lies in recruitment and selection, as well as personal and career development tailored to talent, interests, and personality.


Ratna Yuniar Widianingsih, M.Psi., Psikolog

Ratna Yuniar Widianingsih, often called Ratna, is a mother of two and an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Professional Psychology from Gunadarma University. Ratna has a background in HR within the manufacturing and automotive industries and has been a speaker on mental health at various universities and ministries. Her primary areas of expertise include recruitment, potential reviews, job analysis, coaching and counseling for employee mental health, and employee training. Additionally, she has a keen interest and experience in mindfulness.


Amelia Sari, A.Md.TW., M.Psi., Psikolog

Amelia Sari, affectionately known as Amel, is a Clinical Psychologist and a mother of three children. She previously studied at the Akademi Terapi Wicara and has experience working as a Speech Therapist. Currently, as a Clinical Psychologist, Amel focuses on the psychological well-being of children, teenagers, and family dynamics. She adopts an approach that involves all family members to create an environment that supports the emotional, cognitive, and social development of children. Amel is also actively practicing at a private school in Depok. Additionally, she has a particular interest in mindfulness, trauma healing, psychosynthesis, and compassion-based approaches in psychotherapy.

Art Teacher


Naisya Amalia Suherman, S.Pd

Naisya Amalia Suherman or Naisya is an art teacher and also an illustrator. She took fine arts education at a university located in Jakarta. Recently, she is working at one of the agencies as a graphic designer and holding a private class. She has shown enthusiasm for art exhibitions and fine arts education for children. From her standpoint, art has a significant contribution to everyone’s life as a medium for creativity and expression using the five senses integrated into a masterpiece. Art also has a huge impact on mental health.

Social Service

Community care for chronic diseases in children and adolescents.
This public community is a social project of Metamorfosis as our dedication to serving the public focused on chronic diseases in children and adolescents. Created on 11th November 2020 by Masfuukhatur Rokhmah, M.Psi., Psikolog Klinis, we have held several programs including psychoeducation, psychological support, and charity. If you are interested in joining our community and being our contributor, please follow our Instagram @kp2kp.anakdanremaja for further information. We also posted some information about our community activities, treating chronic diseases in children and adolescents, and other information related to our programs.